『大清一統海道総図/General Map of the Chinese Coast and Sea-routes』
澎湖諸島、台湾及び周辺島嶼付近では、「台湾の浅瀬が重なっているのを見て、その深さは一様ではない。」周辺とともに、待ち受けた北側」周辺海域で、釣魚台諸島南東、北側と、『琉球列岛の中段-琉球诸岛』、『琉球列岛の南段-太平山、八重山诸岛』の間の海域で、注记一段の文字の横に书いてある:「黒场当たり川の海水が流れ出て、毎日30 ~ 40里(流行」、「潮の値上がりは10時間二刻、大潮3尺。」はっきりした、『清统一水路のマスタープラン』、澎湖諸島、台湾岛、釣魚台諸島、琉球諸島、太平山諸島、八重山諸島、巴坦諸島(バスの海峡)などの中国の沿海离岛状況の把握も理解して、一枚の精巧かつ详细の運航は水路のマスタープランをも間接的によると、当時の英国海軍測量絵船均認定は「清の統治の領土をカバーして澎湖岛、台湾岛、巴坦岛、钓鱼台岛、太平山岛、八重山岛、琉球島などの周辺の海域。」
『大清一統海道総図』輿図に記されている漢字の訳名は、江南製造局が清の同治13年(1874年)に翻訳した『傅蘭雅』の口語訳、『王徳均』の筆写から出版した『海道図説』を参考にしたものである。『海道図説』は『東西学書録』に基づき、「起自瓊州而遼東、台湾、後附:朝鮮、琉球、日本諸所沙線、ハリケーン、暗礁、諸忌列挙」としている。(注:参考自「鄒振環」著『晩清西洋地理学在中国』、2000年、上海古籍出版社;『大清一統海道総図』は清朝の同治13年後から光緒21年前(1874-1895)までに描かれた。『大清一統海道総図』の沿岸の地名と海上の島嶼の名称は、中国の歴史的に慣用されてきた呼称とは大きく異なっている。歴史によると、1845年に英国海軍のサマラン号が中国の東海海域の海図を測量して描き、言語の壁が誤って中国福建の船員を閩南語で発音する「花瓶嶼/ hoa-pin−san」を釣魚島に適用した。中国江南機器製造局は1874年、英国海軍海図官局が1861年に出版した『海道図説』を翻訳した。英国海軍1861年の『海道図説』は、1829年に英国人のキング・ジョンによって編纂された最初の系図を参考にしている。
中国江南機器製造局は英国人の「傅蘭雅/John Fryer」、米国人の「金楷理/Kreyer Carl」、「王徳均」が協力して中国語に翻訳し、台湾付属島嶼の釣魚島列島、澎湖诸岛、琉球诸岛、太平山诸岛、八重山诸岛、バタン(巴坦)诸岛を記載した。「王徳均」は英語原文の発音に基づき、様々な考証資料を経ず、誤って漢字名称を直訳した。
《General Map of the Chinese Coast and sea-routes》
The title of the general chart of the unified sea lanes of the qing dynasty is marked at the left; Complete map without legend, proportion and position. It can be seen from the map along the four sides, north, south, the other figure also has a few compass azimuth scale, is a quite accurate general map of maritime boundaries. Coverage diagram as shown in figure problem under the longitude and latitude of ps "from the arctic to 21 degrees 30 points, to 41 degrees 6 points, since the 55 points by west 3 degrees, to 11 degrees east 15 points", namely the south bay area since guangdong guangzhou palace kawashima stone, coastal up xinjiang impressive, toward the border in the north to the yalu river mouth, figure in the north west coast half also detailed; The list also includes the description of "penghu islands, Taiwan island, ryukyu islands, taiping mountain islands, yayeyama islands, batan islands and their surrounding islands"; The complete map is a detailed description of the hydrology, dark sand, longitude and latitude scales, as well as the rising and falling tide periods along the coast of China.
In the vicinity of the penghu islands, Taiwan and the surrounding islands, note the following text: "see the overlapping waves of the Taiwan shoals with varying depths. Approximately, the expansion number recorded in the figure is always higher than the real and shallow expansion number". At the same time, on the island its northeast area, the diaoyutai islands, its northeast, southeast of the ryukyu islands in the middle - the ryukyu islands, the southern section of the ryukyu islands - Victoria peak, 8 mountains islands between ocean, notes across a text reads: "black borders sichuan water gravity, popular in the 30 to 40 in daily", "tide of tide in ten hours an hour, three feet." Clearly, the qing unify hydrographic general layout of the penghu islands, the island, the diaoyutai islands, ryukyu islands, Victoria peak islands, eight mountains islands, the tanzanian islands (bashi channel), China's coastal islands of mastery is also very understanding, is a delicate and detailed shipping lanes of the general layout, also can indirectly, the British navy ship measuring remit are identified: the rule of qing dynasty territory covers the penghu island, the island, the temple island, diaoyu island, Victoria peak, eight of mountains, such as the ryukyu islands waters around the island."
As the Chinese translation name marked in the general chart of the unified sea routes of the qing dynasty refers to the "theory of sea routes" translated by jiangnan manufacturing bureau in the 13th year of tongzhi of the qing dynasty (1874) from the interpretation of "fu lanya" and published by "wang dejun". According to the records of eastern and western studies, "from qiongzhou to liaodong and Taiwan," the nautical chart says, "the sand lines, hurricanes and reefs in Korea, ryukyu and Japan are listed in detail." (note: refer to western geography in China in late qing dynasty by zou zhenhuan, Shanghai ancient books publishing house, 2000; Pp. 121-122), therefore, it is judged that the general chart of the unified sea routes of the qing dynasty was drawn after 13 years of tongzhi of the qing dynasty and before 21 years of guangxu dynasty. The names of coastal names and offshore islands in the general chart of the unified sea routes of the qing dynasty are quite different from those used in Chinese history. According to historical records, in 1845, the British navy's "samarang" charted the waters of the east China sea. Due to language barriers, "vase island/hoa-pin-san", pronounced in minnan dialect by Chinese fujian sailors and sailors, was wrongly applied to diaoyu island. In 1874, China jiangnan machine manufacturing bureau translated and published the "hydrographic theory", originally published by the British naval chart office in 1861. The British navy's 1861 nautical chart is a reference to a book originally compiled by King John, an Englishman, in 1829.
Later, the jiangnan machinery manufacturing bureau of China was translated into Chinese by the British "John Fryer", the American "Kim kairi /Kreyer Carl" and "wang dejun". In the book, the diaoyu islands, the penghu islands, the ryukyu islands, the taiping mountain islands, the yayusan islands and the batan islands are recorded. When "wang dejun" according to the pronunciation of the original English, there are errors in literal translation of Chinese characters.