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[轉載] 解开日本殖民地冲绳县尖阁诸岛的画皮-03

台灣獵戶人 发表于 2016-3-16 09:22:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1801年(清仁宗嘉慶6年),英国John Cary所绘《最新中国地图》,以中文译音标示钓鱼岛列岛。

Tiao(and Diao)means fishing, Yu means fish, Su means small island, Dao means island.
French cartographer d'Anville mis-spelled Tiaoyusu as Haoyusu
Where are the Senkaku Islands located?  
"su" is old Mandarin pronunciation for 「屿」(small island)
Tiaoyu-su (Diaoyudao) is one of the China's "su" group islands

John Cary 是十七世纪初英国著名的地图绘制大师、也是雕刻大师,上图(1)是1801年(清仁宗嘉慶6年),Cary 所绘制的《最新中国地图》(A New Map of CHINA),上图(2)是台湾东北部的局部图,从本地图可见,“”钓鱼台、黄尾屿、赤尾屿“”皆是以中文音译方式标示,并涂上和台湾相同之土黄色,这与中国藩属琉球的“”姑米山、马齿岛、大琉球岛“”涂上绿色地方自治范围是明显不相同的;由于Cary这幅中国地图,在钓鱼台列岛部分是参考到1752年((清高宗乾隆17年) d'Anville 东亚地图。

西屿(渔翁岛)标注 “”Sisu“”、
吉贝屿 标注 “”Kipeisu“”、
白沙屿 标注 “”Pechasu“”,

南碇屿 标注 “”Nantin-su“”,

由上述标注可见 “”-su“” 就是中文「屿」的意思(su就是中国官话古语「屿」的外文发音 ,而钓鱼台(岛)列岛之钓鱼台(钓鱼岛)、黄尾屿、赤尾屿最后两个外文字母也是拼作 “”su“”(而非日文的 “”-shima、 或 “”-jima“”,而当时日本政府对於琉球列岛并未有宗主国身份权益,对此钓鱼岛列岛各岛屿的中文命名及中文音译外文名,并未表达任何异议),因此,从这些外文「-su」字群组岛屿,可以证明,钓鱼岛列岛主权不属于日本。

John Cary 於 1806 年(清仁宗嘉慶11年)还发行了图(4)一幅《A New Map of Chinese & independent Tartary/中国满族清政权新地图》,在钓鱼岛列岛的标示方面,Cary的这幅Tartary地图明显是参考到了法国航海家 La Perouse於1787年5月(清高宗乾隆52年),到达钓鱼岛外海时,对於”钓鱼岛、黄尾屿”误测之标示(”黄尾屿” 标错成 ”钓鱼岛”,而”钓鱼岛”标错成”花瓶屿”)。
John Cary 是早期参考到法国航海家 La Perouse 标示钓鱼岛列岛的英国著名地图大师,John Cary的这两幅地图,在钓鱼岛列岛的标示方面,

1801年(清仁宗嘉慶6年)这一幅《最新中国地图》,参考了 1752年(清高宗乾隆17年)d'Anville 的东亚地图标示,
1806年这一幅《最新中国满清政权地图》,参考了1787年(清高宗乾隆52年) La Perouse 的标示

下图:1950年”美国陆军制图局 Army Map Service”所发行的台北县地图,地图上可见
(1)花瓶屿 标示 “”Hua-P'ing Hsü“”
(Hua-P'ing Hsü 的发音是很接近 Hoapin-su 的(法文的「o」,其发音和英文的「u」是很相近的))、
(2)彭佳屿 标示 “”P'eng-chia Hsü“”,
在欧美的古地图中,未见到有将”彭佳屿”标示︰Pongkia-su 的,这使得「su」字群组岛屿,缺少了一个重要的成员,当时美国陆军制图局为「su」字群组岛屿补上了“”彭佳屿(P'eng-chia Hsü)、棉花屿(Mien-hua Hsü)“”(请见上图),这使得当年《针路图》上的花瓶屿、彭佳屿、钓鱼屿、黄尾屿、赤尾屿全部都是属於「-su」字群组岛屿了。

「-su」group islands include︰
1. a few islands offshore福建省 FoKien province(e.g.,
南日屿 是 “”Nange-su“”、
南碇屿 是 “”Nantin-su“”、
鼓浪屿 是 “”Kulangsu“”、
(鼓浪屿,a small island in the harbour of Amoy))、

2. Pescadores(澎湖“”Penghou“”) islands(e.g.,
西屿 是 “”Si-su“”、
吉贝屿 是 “”Kipei-su“”)、

3. several islands northeast Taiwan(e.g.,
花瓶屿 是 “”Hoapin-su“”,
1950年美国陆军制图局 Army Map Service 还为「-su」字群组岛屿增加了
彭佳屿(“”P'eng-chia Hsü“”)、
棉花屿(“”Mien-hua Hsü“”))、

Diaoyu Islands(e.g.,
钓鱼岛 是 “”Tiaoyu-su“”、
黄尾屿 是 “”Hoanoey-su“”、
赤尾屿 是 “”Tcheoey-su“”)。


John Cary. "A New Map of China." London: J. Cary, 1801. From New Universal Atlas. 18 x 20. Engraving. Full original hand color. Small spot near center; smudges in margins. Else, very good condition.
Amidst the turmoil of the Napoleonic wars, British naval power was rising, and mapmaking as an art and science kept pace. Cary used existing maps and new surveys to provide his clients with the most up-to-date information on all parts of the world. Inaccuracies might be evident, but they reflect the state of knowledge in western Europe when they were made. This was the best information then available by a man, who, with his sons, was one of the most prominent makers of maps and globes in the World.

John Cary. "A New Map of Chinese & Independent Tartary, from the latest authorities." From Cary's New Universal Atlas. London: J. Cary, 1806. 18 x 20. Engraving. Full original hand color. Some light spots in margins. Else, very good condition.
This map was drawn, engraved and published by John Cary (fl. 1769-1836) in London for the 1801 edition of his New Universal Atlas. Amidst the turmoil of the Napoleonic wars, British Naval power was rising, and mapmaking as both art and science kept pace. Cary used existing maps and new surveys to provide his clients with the most up-to-date information on all parts of the world. Inaccuracies may be evident, but they reflect the knowledge in western Europe at the time they were made. This map shows East Asia with excellent and geographically depicted detail. The original hand color adds a strong decorative appeal to this historic map.

John Cary. "Chinese and Independent Tartary." From Cary's New Universal Atlas. London: J. Cary, 1816. 9 1/8 x 11 1/4. Engraving. Original hand color. Excellent condition.
This map was drawn, engraved and published by John Cary (fl 1769-1836) in London for the 1816 quarto edition of his New Universal Atlas. It shows cities and roads as well as topographical details.


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